Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"How To Attract And Keep A Client For Life For Only 69 Cents!"

Hi everyone! I'm going to show you how you can contact a client or prospect 3 different ways for your massage therapy business that will not only make you stand out from your competition for only 69 cents, but will also:

A) Stimulate your clients and keep them interested in your message
B) Integrate email and snail mail
C) Keep your costs down

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Ready to hear how to easily do this? Great! I'm gonna fill ya in.

Here's how to easily and simply contact a client or prospect 3 different times in 3 different ways that'll cost you only 69 cents total!

There's a big debate about whether rely on snail mail or electronic mail. Oy vey! I'm going to give you the straight answer to this debate right now - use both!!!

Don't let ANYONE seduce you that everyone uses and responds to electronic mail only - I don't care what statistics are thrown at you.

Not everyone uses and responds to email - just like not everyone responds to snail mail. The best solution is to integrate both. There are pros and cons to both methods. Don't rely 100% on either one. (If you had to rely 100% on either one, I'd still use regular old snail mail without question - even though the price of stamps have recently gone up, but that's a different article altogether).

Now here's how to attract and keep a client for only 69 cents:

1) Send a regular letter. I know what you're thinking, "But Jeff, the cost of postage has just gone up! I can't afford it!" Oh, yeah? You'd be amazed at the amount of massage therapists who email me saying that they're putting an advertisement in their local newspaper that costs them hundreds of dollars without having any clue whether or not this ad will have a strong response rate or not and without first learning how to write an effective lead generation ad. Does that sound smart? I don't think so. However, in their minds, a $42 roll of stamps that will hit 100 carefully selected people is too expensive for them. (Don't even get me started)

Anyway, that one letter will cost you a whopping 42 cents, right? (Gee, I sure hope your bank account can handle it, especially after you just paid for that $5 cup of Starbucks coffee this morning which you could've brewed at home for pennies while you were in the shower).

The great thing about regular mail is that is has to be dealt with - but email can easily be glanced over or automatically go into someone's trash bin without you - or them - even realizing it.

2) Next, mail a postcard. This is great because it will only cost you 27 cents. And if you haven't learned how to write a successful headline or body copy yet, this is an affordable way to contact people without stressing about writing a longer sales letter.

3) Send an email. No, I'm not against using email at all. In fact, I'm all for it! Email is a great way to instantly contact your entire database (that is, if you've been smart enough to collect their emails in the first place - you are doing this, aren't you). There are many benefits to using email. You can contact potentially thousands of people instantly. You can contact them for FREE. And if you screw up your message, who cares? Just send another one out! Plus, there are people who live by their computer, BlackBerry, etc.

Here's where the beauty of this strategy works: You now have all of your bases covered. You see, the public needs to be stimulated in many different ways. That's why you always see products that now have a red cap on their bottle when last month they had the blue cap; this time it's "new & improved"; next month it'll be "extra strength"; the following month the color will be different, etc.

Why do you think this is? This is not by accident. The attention span of the general public is about the same as a gnat. Seriously. (By the way, 95% of ALL products is exactly the same and is made by the same manufacturer. Don't believe me? Do you own research. Hey, I'm in in the marketing business. I study this stuff. That $5.99 bottle of Windex you just bought? You could've picked up a generic brand from your local dollar store that has the exact ingredients. Why? Because it comes from the same manufacturer! I'll let you in on a secret - it's all the same! Yes, even your dish detergent, laundry detergent, toothpaste, deodorant - everything!)

But back to my example. You need to stimulate your clients and prospects in many different ways. If they expect the same thing everytime they receive something from you, it's not going to have the same effect. But if one month they get a sales letter with a lumpy gimmick attached to it, then the next month they get an email from you, then the next month they get a postcard - it's going to keep them stimulated and interested. (you should also be sending them a homemade newsletter, but that's also another article entirely)

This is how this process will only cost you 69 cents. 42 cents for a letter, 27 cents for a postcard and the email is FREE! And if you're not sure if people are going to respond better to snail mail or email, you're covered either way.

AND you've contacted them 3 different times using 3 different mediums!

So to close my long rant, do guerilla marketing. That way, you're not so dependent on one method that may or may not be working for you.

Your marketing king has spoken! Goodbye for now my loyal minions!

Jeff Sauers, "The King Of Creative Marketing For Independent Massage Therapists"

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