Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How To Get A-List Celebrities To Promote YOUR Massage Practice!

Wouldn't it be great if you could get some of the top A-list Hollywood actors to promote YOUR massage practice for free - and without having to pay them? Just imagine what it would be like if some of this year's recent Oscar winners like Sean Penn, Penelope Cruz and Kate Winslet were able to promote your massage practice. Do you think that would get a prospect's attention? You bet! I'm going to show you a very clever way to do this along with a simple 3-part formula headline.

So let's start. Everyone knows that many celebrities get regular massages. Sometimes you even read stories in the various massage magazines about therapists who were lucky enough to get hooked up with a celebrity and get on their payroll. I used to know one myself. Pretty cool, right? I mean, who wouldn't want to land that gig! I'm assuming that - like me - you're not on a celebrity's payroll. But - you can still get an endorsement from them if you put just a little thought into it.

Here's how you do it:

First, google the names of certain celebrities along with some common massage therapy keywords. See which celebrities get regular massages. Of course they won't be getting one from you in particular, but that doesn't matter. Just do a few minutes of research to see which celebrities get stress relief from regular massage therapy. Let's say that you found 3 celebrities that see a massage therapist regularly to help reduce their headaches.

Once you have a few written down, you can use their names in a formula headline that gives your practice an off-hand endorsement. The headline could look like this:

"How These Oscar Winners Use Massage Therapy To Rid Themselves Of Chronic Migraine Headaches...And You Can Too!"

See how that works? It's actually a 3-part formula headline:

"These (blank) Use (blank) To Get (blank)"

Some variations of this are:

"These Top Actresses And Models Use Reflexology To Get Stress Relief Over Any Other Treatment Available"


"Discover How Sean Penn, Penelope Cruz And Kate Winslet Rid Themselves Of Neck & Shoulder Tension With This Little Known Massage Technique That You Can Also Receive Right Here In (your town)"


"The #1 Secret That Billionaires Donald Trump, Warren Buffet And Bill Gates Use To Relieve Stress Headaches In 20 Minutes Or Less... And You Can Too Affordably Right Here In (your town) Even In This Recession"

Now if you ran across these headlines somewhere, wouldn't they instantly grab your attention? Of course they would! Why? Because the public, in general, has a fasination with celebrities. And because these people are rich enough to get the best of the best, most people want to know what they do to relieve themselves of some common aches and pains that the everyday person feels as well. "Hey - if Donald Trump uses aromatherapy to get stress relief, I want to use it to!"
Let's take the last headline as an example. If you ran that healine in a classified ad along with your web site for people to get more free information, do you think you'd get hits? You'd better believe you would!!!

The reverse can be used as well. You can talk about everyday folks instead of celebrities. You can also say:

"These Residents Of (your town) Use My New Massage Technique To Get Instant Relief For Their Lower Back Pain That Their Family Doctors Don't Even Know About"

Of if you have a few doctors referring to you, you can use this headline:

"These 4 Respected (your town's) Doctors Recommend My New Massage Session As The Best Way To Receive Shoulder Relief In Only 20 Minutes Without Using Prescription Drugs"

This is also a great way to promote a new massage modality you've recently learned. If you just learned Hot Stone Massage and then did a google search and found some celebrities who also use Hot Stone Massage, you can now link them into your practice.

You can say:

"These Hollywood Actors Use My Amazing New Massage Technique As Their #1 Way To Get Stress Relief"

Notice that you didn't claim that they're coming to you for this new technique. You're just saying that these actors are also using the same massage modality that you are now offering. That way, you're not lying because it is, in fact, the same technique. Hot stone is hot stone is hot stone. They're getting it in LA, you're offering it in your area.

See how powerful a simple formula headline is? Do you see how and why a good one can instantly grab people's attention and give you credibility before they even make an appointment with you?
In my next blog entry, I'm going to reveal 2 really cool new massage package ideas that are right under your nose. When you see them, you're going to kick yourself as to why you didn't think of them first!

Take care!


nbrown said...

I just finished massage school and really want to have a successful business. Thanks for your very useful blog. I will try it then come back and let you know how it worked.

Melissa said...

Interesting blog! Thankyou for the advice! No its not easy trying to get celebrities as massage clients. Over the years some have found me through my website. Its always a good idea to have one! :)